Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Construction Continues

is there anyone in the world who doesn't like to peel dried craft glue from their fingers?

Actually construction has finished, I think we may even have agreed upon the details of Flat Lily's back story although I am not going to give away the details of that yet though there will be a photo-story of it coming soon. For now however, dear 3D Lily is ill (she seems to have the same illness her brother had last week) so Flat Liy's departure is on hold for a little while; Flat and 3D Lily would like to have an adventure or two together in Szeged before she goes. Who knows when we will see her again once her journey begins? Maybe she can keep going for years.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Under Construction

Construction of Flat Lily has begun as has the construction of the story of how Lily came to be flat. We are having fun thinking up scenarios that could flatten a child. Some are absurd and some are outright horrific.

Although she isn't complete yet we are already looking for people who would like to have Flat Lily visit them so please have a look at the Take Part  section to see how you can join in. Of course we are happy for you just to read along too, so please: